How to install private CA certificates on Debian Linux

This howto describes how to add a Certificate Authority (CA) to your Debian system without mixing it with the CA certificates that Debian provides. ...

2018-01-31 · 1 min · Steffen Clausjuergens

Useing Umlauts in Usernames with Kantega's Kerberos SSO plugin

If you have usernames containing (German) Umlauts in Confluence or Jira authenticated by Active Directory, the automatic Single Sign On with Kantega’s SSO plugin won’t work by default. ...

2017-08-16 · 1 min · Steffen Clausjuergens

How to convert SSL-certificates from PEM- to DER-format and vis versa

This article explains how to convert SSL-certificates from PEM- to DER-format and vis versa useing openssl on the command line.

2017-03-02 · 2 min · Steffen Clausjuergens

Horse solving knot

See how “Toffee” (nearly) solves the knot …

2016-07-14 · 1 min · Steffen Clausjuergens

How to search for macros in Confluence Server

You can use the Confluence search to find pages that contain a specific macro. ...

2014-09-01 · 1 min · Steffen Clausjuergens

How to access passiv node in Juniper SRX cluster and how to transfer files to it

If you do not have a console connection to or a management interface on the passive node of an Juniper SRX cluster, you need to reach the passive node from the active one. Here is how: ...

2014-06-10 · 2 min · Steffen Clausjuergens

How to recover JunOS from the boot-loader

If your Juniper SRX or EX does not come up with it’s JunOS operating system, you might be able to restore JunOS through the “boot-loader”. This article will show how. ...

2014-05-14 · 2 min · Steffen Clausjuergens

Great Dane and Terrier in action

Our Great Dane “Sammy” playing with his Terrier friend “Bea”

2014-03-13 · 1 min · Steffen Clausjuergens