If an ESXi-host crashes and shows a “Purple Screen Of Death” usually a coredump is created. This article shows how to save the coredump, if you need to send it to VMware for further analysis.
- Remember the “Partition-ID” of the coredump shown in the “Purple Screen Of Death”
- After the crash restart the ESXi-host and wait till it has properly booted.
- Login as “root” into the ESXi host by SSH or through the console.
- Find the coredump partition with one of these two commands
You’ll get a list of multiple partitions. Copy the path of active one (= it has “true” in column “Active”). We will need the partitions “Name”.
esxcli system coredump partition list
You’ll only get the Name of the active coredump partition without it’s path.
esxcfg-dumppart -t
Save the coredump
- Find a datastore mounted to the ESXi-host that has sufficient space for the coredump file and chose or create a directory you want to save the file to. The coredump file can be several Gigabyte in size.
- Save the coredump with the following command to the chosen datastore:
e.g. this will save the coredump to “
esxcfg-dumppart --copy --devname "/vmfs/devices/disks/<Partition-ID>" --zdumpname /vmfs/volumes/<datastore_name>/<directory><esxi-name>_<date>.zdump
”esxcfg-dumppart --copy \ --devname "/vmfs/devices/disks/naa.6006016007603800181bd37a7f85e611:9" \ --zdumpname /vmfs/volumes/datastore01/extracted-corefiles/myesxi01-2019-05-22.zdump
- Now download the file to your local PC by SCP or the datastore browser and - if requested - upload it to VMware support.