How to configure a reverse proxy for Confluence Server

To use HTTPS on port 443 to access your Confluence server it is best to use a “reverse proxy”. This article shows how to do it with Nginx.

2018-12-10 Â· 3 min Â· Steffen Clausjuergens

Useing Umlauts in Usernames with Kantega's Kerberos SSO plugin

If you have usernames containing (German) Umlauts in Confluence or Jira authenticated by Active Directory, the automatic Single Sign On with Kantega’s SSO plugin won’t work by default. ...

2017-08-16 Â· 1 min Â· Steffen Clausjuergens

How to search for macros in Confluence Server

You can use the Confluence search to find pages that contain a specific macro. ...

2014-09-01 Â· 1 min Â· Steffen Clausjuergens